
The obligatory welcome post and a shout-out to Yihui Xie and the folks behind quarto.

Patrick Altmeyer


February 1, 2021

Welcome to my blog!

Having worked with R Markdown and some of Yihui Xie’s amazing packages for years, I have only now come across his blogdown package. For a while I have been thinking about a good way to share some of my work and actually started collecting snippets in a Gitbook through bookdown quite some time ago. While the book is a work-in-progress that I aim to finish eventually, I will use this website to regularly share content related to my work, research and other things.


Update on Feb 20, 2022

I have recently migrated this blog and pretty much everything else I do to quarto.

Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

Based on my first few experiences I would go further and say that quarto is the only open-source scientific and technical publishing system you’ll ever need. The project is supported by RStudio and (unsurprisingly) Yihui Xie is one of the contributors. Go check it out!


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Altmeyer, Patrick and Altmeyer, Patrick},
  title = {Welcome},
  date = {2021-02-01},
  url = {https://www.patalt.org/blog/posts/welcome/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Altmeyer, Patrick, and Patrick Altmeyer. 2021. “Welcome.” February 1, 2021. https://www.patalt.org/blog/posts/welcome/.